Customer Accolades

This is what our customers say…
“It has been a joy as it was with Chucky and your understanding of all matters ‘doggy’ is priceless.”
Mr. Kev.
“…your training techniques are amazingly professional and effective. Bo is a better dog for your training as Chuck is a testament to you skill.”
Tony & Jo who have trained both their Shih Tzus with us.
“I just wanted you to know how absolutely wonderfully Lucy is responding to her training re her aggression to approaching dogs! She has learnt very quickly to turn to me when she sees another dog….sometimes even before I’ve clicked!
Our walks are already a totally different experience for us all, with only one blip since we saw you. (…. And that was a very windy day, so …..!!) So thank you so much for your advice.”
Lucy’s owner who called us after Lucy became fearful of other dogs and booked a home visit.
“We want to thank you for your classes which we have enjoyed and benefited from for the last 6 months. Your classes are relaxed and enjoyable and have been a brilliant start to training, for us and our pups. Thank you both for your patience and help.”
Catherine with Harvey & Baxter
“I want to say thank you again for all you have helped us to learn about training Amber….we really did have large ‘L’ plates on when we started but we now feel so much more confident!”
Sara and Amber
“Five months in Shropshire and I thought I should tell you how happy Jazz is. Across the road from our front gate, through the stream and we’re into fields where we can walk for miles with lovely views of The Stiperstones (our nearest hills). Jazz is so relaxed and happy – me too…Thank you so much for teaching Jazz (and me) how to find the true love of life.”
Moira and Jazz
“Thank-you for making Basil’s early training such fun; he is a happy, well balanced young dog, having a great life in the French Alps…”
David, Christine & Basil.
“Thank-you so much for giving us back some confidence with our Lab-Retriever Maddie. I can’t believe how differently I feel because, to be honest, we were at the end of our tethers with her!”
Karen & Maddie
“We really enjoyed the classes & found them invaluable. We think everyone who has a dog should come and we shall thoroughly recommend you.”
Maria & Spot
“Just a note from Myself and Rosie to thank-you for such enjoyable training…”
Virginia & Rosie
“Mum & Dad said to say thank you for all the help you have given them with my “training” – which they are continuing as instructed.”
Cassie & Mrs Hatch
“Thank you for clicker training.”
Mrs Sprague & Timmy
“I am writing on behalf of the rangers and staff who organised the day for dog walkers at Danebury Hillfort to say thank you for giving your time and energy to help with this event. … Thanks again for your help; it was very much appreciated.”
Cath Hart, Countryside Access Development Officer
“Thought I would email to say a big thank you for your help with Jay. He has made huge progress especially in the past 3 weeks.”
Ruth & Jay
“We have really enjoyed all the puppy classes and learnt so much. It is amazing how much you manage to pack into the 45minute classes! We both go home exhausted… I particularly liked the fact that the atmosphere was always fun and light-hearted; …..Each time Molly and Charlie have had their hyper evenings I have never been made to feel uncomfortable and stupid, just surrounded by understanding and good-humoured trainers.”
Amanda & Molly
Recall is going so well… She was off lead for 30 mins running in wide circles around us and coming back regularly. Didn’t seem to notice ponies and didn’t bother any people or dogs unless they initiated encounter. Then three similar length walks with same friends and dog on Common – when we went near the duck pond on one walk ahead did run up and down the fence again barking but came back to us when she’d done that for a while and I didn’t have to go and get her… She’s loving the walks and seems to be checking in more regularly if anything. I’ve done a bit of hide and seek in the trees. Grooming really good now. So calm.
Thanks so much for your help.
Cat & Dora